double d = 3.1416;
char ch = *(char *)&d;
short s = 45;
double d = *(double *) &s
struct fraction
int num;
int denum;
fraction pi; /* a storage of fraction type */
pi.num = 22;
pi.denunm = 7;
((fraction *)&(pi.denum))->num = 12;
((fraction *)&(pi.denum))->denum = 33; /* illegal way to visit */
/* using array trick to visit */
(*(&pi + 1)).num;
(&pi + 1)->num;
// 具体内容在后面的活动记录中
int array[10];
array[0] = 44;
array[9] = 100;
array[5] = 45;
array[10] = 1; /*no bound check of raw array in c and cpp*/
array[25] = 25;
array[-4] = 77;
array == &array[0]
array + k == &array[k]
*array == array[0]
*(array + k) == array[k]
int arr[5];
arr[3] = 128;
(short* )arr[6] = 2;
((short *)(((char* )(&arr[1])) + 8))[3] = 100; // (short*)(arr)[9] = 100;
struct student
char *name;
char suid[8];
int numUnits;
student pupils[4];
pupils[0].numUnits = 2;
pupils[2].name = strdup("Adam");
pupils[3].name = pupils[0].suid + 6;
strcpy(pupils[1].suid, "40415xx");
strcpy(pupils[3].name, "123456");
pupils[7].suid[11] = 'A';
/* rotating shift */
void swap(int *ap, int *bp)
int temp = *ap;
*ap = *bp;
*bp = temp;
int x = 7;
int y = 11;
swap(&x, &y);